Mobile Vet Anglesea

While Mobile Vet is based in Geelong, we proudly service clients in Anglesea, a scenic Surfcoast town that has grown significantly in popularity over the past 10 years. If you live in this area and are looking for a Vet that you can trust to take good care of your pet, we are here to help.

The Mobile Vet team provide a wide variety of professional veterinary services including allergy and dermatology services, arthritis and geriatric care, dental care, dermatology, microchipping, emergency procedures and soft tissue surgery, cremation, burial and euthanasia services, pet hygiene, desexing, opthalmology, vaccinations, worm, tick and flea treatments. We can treat a range of different breeds, and take specialist referrals.

If you would like to learn more about our highly qualified veterinary services available to clients in Anglesea, please get in touch with the Mobile Vet team today on 0428 393 465. Being a mobile Vet allows us to provide our services to clients in a wide range of areas, including Armstrong Creek and Torquay.